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If you’re not using custom fields, YOU SHOULD BE!

Custom fields in case management software serve the purpose of allowing users to add additional, specific, and relevant information to individual cases or records. They are used to extend the standard set of data fields provided by the software to accommodate unique and varying needs of different organizations or industries. The main purposes of custom fields in case management software are as follows:

  1. Tailored Information: Case management software typically comes with a standard set of predefined fields to capture basic information about cases. Custom fields enable organizations to add fields that are specific to their firm’s processes, industry, or unique requirements. This ensures that all necessary details related to a case can be recorded accurately.
  2. Data Tracking: Custom fields allow organizations to track and analyze data that may not be part of the standard data model. This includes data such as specialized identifiers, specific categorizations, or additional contact information that could be crucial for case resolution and reporting.
  3. Workflow and Automation: Custom fields can be utilized in creating automation rules and workflows within the case management system. For example, they can trigger specific actions, notifications, or escalations when certain conditions are met based on the values of custom fields. This is especially true when implementing logic conditioning in your automations to produce different results.
  4. Document Automation: With most Case Management Software consisting of document automations, custom fields make it easier than ever to collect and transfer sets of data into documents, with minimal work required by the user. This can consist of simple information such as names and addresses, court dates, etc.
  5. User-Friendly Interface: By adding custom fields, case management software can be tailored to better match an organization’s existing workflows, making it more intuitive for users. This improves the overall user experience and increases efficiency in entering and retrieving data.
  6. Integration with External Systems: In some cases, custom fields may be required to facilitate data exchange and integration with other systems that may have unique data requirements. Custom fields enable a more seamless flow of data between systems. If you use software, such as DecisionVault, this is essential to ensuring that they talk to your Case Management Software.

Overall, the purpose of custom fields in case management software is to enhance flexibility, improve data accuracy, and streamline processes by accommodating the diverse and specialized needs of various firm practices.